Reisinger, M. Unique experiential benefits that multispectral lighting may provide. In Y. A. Griber & V. M. Schindler (Eds.), The International Scientific Conference of the Color Society of Russia: Selected Papers. (p. 301). Smolensk State University Press. pdf


Reisinger, M. Lighting to Achieve Optimal Appearance. LED professional Review; Issue 63; 2017. pdf

Reisinger, M. Identifying preferred surface, colour and lighting characteristics. Journal of the International Colour Association; Volume 17; 2017.


Reisinger, M. Range of comfortable brightness for self-luminous surfaces in architectural applications. 1st International Symposium on Visual Physiology, Environment, and Perception; Riga; 2016

Reisinger, M. Unified profiles of spectral data to support spatial and dynamic color designs. XII Conferenza del Colore; Turin; 2016.

Lasauskaite, R., M. Reisinger. Optimal luminance of internally illuminated wayfinding signs. Lighting Research and Technology; 2015. doi:10.1177/1477153515619467

Reisinger, M. Preferred LED lighting for wood surfaces and colored surfaces. Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC 2015).

Nether, U., Reisinger, M. Eds. Sensory Living – Perception of Space in Architecture and Culture – Summer School 2. Baunach: Spurbuch Verlag; 2014. ISBN:978-3-88778-415-7

Lasauskaite Schüpbach, R., M. Reisinger, B. Schrader. Influence of lighting conditions on the appearance of typical interior materials. Color Research & Application. doi:10.1002/col.21850  scholar

Reisinger, M., R. Lasauskaite Schüpbach. Light distributions to comfort the eye. In: Proceedings of the 4th Professional ighting Design Convention (PLDC). Kopenhagen: VIA-Verlag; 2013.

Reisinger, M., I. Vogels, I. Heynderickx. Conspicuity of chromatic light from LED spotlights. Journal of the International Colour Association Issue 7; 2012. scholar

Reisinger, M. Facilitating surface, colour and lighting choice. Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC 2011).

Reisinger, M. Considerations for planning coloured lighting. Colour and Light in Architecture; Venice; 2010. pdf

Reisinger, M. Personality of Materials and Luminous Environments: a Designer’s Perspective on Appearance. CIE Expert Symposium on Appearance. Gent: CIE; 2010.

Reisinger, M. In need of creating aesthetic luminous environments. In: Aesthetics + Design, 21st Biennial Congress of International Association of Empirical Aesthetics IAEA. Dresden; 2010.

Reisinger, M. Communication through ambient lighting. Computer Science and Information Systems; 2010; Freiburg; 2010.

Reisinger, M. Observer-oriented lighting research method that specifically considers the spatial aspects of light in interior spaces. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Professional Lighting Design Convention (PLDC). Berlin: VIA Verlag; 2009.

Reisinger, M., A. Huedo, I. M. Vogels, I. Heynderickx. Preference for two colour chromatic light pairs and their characterization by semantic scales. In: Smith, D., Green-Armytage P., Pope M. A., Harkness N., editors. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC). Sydney: Colour Society of Australia; 2009.

Reisinger, M., A. Huedo, I. M. Vogels. The powers of attraction of chromatic light. Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC 2008). Stockholm; 2008. scholar

Reisinger, M. Bathroom moments – light and water as intimate experiences. Design & Emotion 2008. Hong Kong; 2008.

Reisinger, M. 2006. Objet Mathematique. International Lighting Review 57(2006):30-31.

Reisinger, M. 2003. Living Light. International Lighting Review 54(2003):46-47.