
Reisinger, M. Von der Freiheit das Lichtspektrum zu modellieren. Swiss Lighting Forum 2020. Basel, Switzerland; 2020.

Reisinger, M. Utilizing LEDs to compliment Maxwell. Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition. Trieste, Italy; 2019.

Reisinger, M. Theatre and film as pioneers in adapting multi-spectral lighting. IALD Enlighten Europe. Barcelona, Spain; 2018.

Reisinger, M. Spectral innovations in theater lighting. LED Professional Symposium. Bregenz, Austria; 2018.

Reisinger, M. Communicate with Graphics from IES TM-30-15. LED Professional Symposium. Bregenz, Austria; 2017.

Reisinger, M. Beschreibung der Farbqualität von Lichtquellen. LTG Fachtagung 2016. St. Veit an der Glan, Austria; 2016.

Reisinger, M. Bevorzugte Farbwiedergabe. LED Theorieseminar 2015. Lucerne, Switzerland; 2015.

Reisinger, M. Die Lichtwahl zur bevorzugten Erscheinung von Materialoberflächen. Licht 2014. Den Haag, The Netherlands; 2014.

Reisinger, M. Der Verteilung der Rezeptoren im Auge auf der Spur. Farbe als Experiment. Wuppertal, Germany; 2014.

Reisinger, M. Raumforschung: Mensch und Raum. Architekturforum LivingInteriors 2014. Cologne, Germany; 2014.

Reisinger, M. Licht fühlen. Interior Days 2012. Biel, Switzerland; 2012.

Reisinger, M. Das kaum genutzte Potential der LED. LTG Fachtagung 2012. Schladming, Austria; 2012.

Reisinger, M., A. Huedo, S. Tobin. Does color-form correspondence exist for luminous stimuli? CREATE Conference. Gjøvik, Norway; 2010.

Reisinger, M. Innovative lighteffects. Emerging Technology Design guest lecture. University of Twente, The Netherlands; 2009.

Reisinger, M. The powers of attraction of chromatic light from LEDs. LED lighting today: tales or facts?. Naples, Italy; 2009.

Reisinger, M. Ambient aspects of intelligent interior lighting. Intelligent Automotive Lighting. IQPC; Frankfurt a. M., Germany; 2008.

Reisinger, M. Chromatisches Licht visuell effizient einsetzen. LTG Fachtagung 2008. Villach, Austria; 2008.

Reisinger, M. Charakterisierung von Lichtsituationen in Innenräumen mittels Beschreibung des räumlichen Lichtfeldes. Licht 2008. Ilmenau, Germany; 2008.

Reisinger, M. The powers of attraction of chromatic light. PLDA Light Focus 2008. Frankfurt a. M., Germany; 2008.

Reisinger, M. Light – an Evocative Medium and Emotional Element in Architecture International AIDI Conference “Light & Architecture”. Venice, Italy: Associazione Italiana di Illuminazione; 2006.


Shop-Beleuchtung – Verführung durch Licht; Austrian Standards Plus; Wien, Austria; 2017.

Graphics to describe color quality aspects; Lightfair Institute at Lightfair International 2017; Philadelphia, USA; 2017.

Sensory Living; Organizer of a 10 day ERASMUS IP: International Summer School on Perception of Space in Architecture and Culture; Lucerne, CH; 2013.

Color and Lighting; Lightfair Institute at Lightfair International 2011; Philadelphia, USA; 2011.

Illumination and Appearance of Material Samples; CREATE (Colour Research for European Advanced Technology Employment) training; Bristol, UK; 2010.

The powers of attraction of chromatic light (German: Die Anziehungskraft von farbigem Licht); Meeting of the European Association of Colour Consultants / Designers; Salzburg, Austria; 2010.

Unstable Properties of Colour Sensations and their Dynamics; CREATE (Colour Research for European Advanced Technology Employment) training; Bristol, UK; 2008.

Courses thought

Lighting, Acoustics and Comfort (Beleuchtung, Akustik und Klima)  HSLU Luzern, Technik & Architektur; Switzerland.

Lighting Design – Applied Technics (Lichtplanung – Anwendungstechnik) Course 151.807  TU Graz, Faculty for Architecture; Austria.

Tutored Theses (MA)
Ronald Pijpstra (2008-2009, University of Twente; with Angele Reinders ), Influencing attention using chromatic light – LED luminaire design based on perception research.

Tutored Internships
Anne Jokiranta (2010)
Sophie Tobin (2010)
Daniel Schuster (2009)
Tatjana Zamyatina (2009)
Ana Huedo (2007)

Exhibitions and Events

Reisinger, M. Inside the eye. Our Place in Space at NHM Vienna from 20.6.2018 until 4.11.2018 – 500nm.ch

Reisinger, M.   ] in focus [   for Diffrazioni Festival Florence shown at Le Murate Progetti Arte Contemporanea from 22.11.2016 until 26.11.2016 – 500nm.ch

Reisinger, M. Chromodynamics Turquoise. Light and Schadow at UniGraz@Museum from 18.6.2015 until 31.1.2016 – 500nm.ch